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- Arifah Nur Ainia , Bawean Gresik , c , Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya »
- Developing Creative Tourism Potential of Bawean Island using Public Private People Partnership Method
Developing Creative Tourism Potential of Bawean Island using Public Private People Partnership Method
Pulau bawean merupakan surga terpencil di Jawa Timur, tepatnya masuk dalam kabupaten Gresik. Pasalnya pulau Bawean menyimpan pesona wisata bahari dan kekayaan keindahan ekosistem dalam laut. Selain wisata laut, ada juga penangkaran rusa Bawean yang menjadi endemik satu-satunya di dunia.
Menilik dari keunikan dan keindahan pulau Bawean sangat cocok menjadi tempat wisata kreatif masa kini. Beberapa wisatawan mancanegara pun tertarik mengunjungi pulau yang masih asri ini.
Sayangnya perkembangan dan pengelolaan pulau ini belum maksimal baik dari pemerintah pusat maupun dari daerah setempat. Sehingga diperlukan strategi pengembangan dengan metode public private people partnership yang melibatkan pemerintah, swasta, hingga masyarakat yang ingin bermitra.
Pulau Bawean; Pariwisata Kreatif; Metode Public Private People Partnership.
Bawean Island is a secluded paradise in East Java, which is included in the Gresik district. It is because the island of Bawean has the charm of marine tourism and the wealth of ecosystems in the sea. In addition to sea tourism, there is also a captivity for the Bawean deer which is the only endemic in the world.
From the uniqueness and beauty of Bawean Island, it is very suitable to be a creative tourist spot nowday. Some foreign tourists are also interested in visiting this beautiful island.
Unfortunately the development and management of this island has not been maximal either from the central government or from the local area. So that it is necessary to develop a strategy using the public private people partnership method which involves the government, the private sector, and people who want to partner.
Bawean Island; Creative Tourism; Government Private Community Partnership Method